Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Recap

Leaving cookies for Santa

OK, back to blogging! Christmas was amazing. The boys got the whole Santa Claus thing and would say to each other "You better (share, be kind, etc) or Santa is going to put you on the naughty list and you won't get any presents". Eventually the one misbehaving would say "I don't like presents". The boys got lots of new toys which is really good since we sold almost everything prior to moving back. The train table, Handy Manny Tool Workshop and police/fire rescue station now occupy a good portion of the living room. They loved waking up to a house full of goodies. Ralph woke up the day after Christmas and said "I'm ready to open more presents". Oops, guess we forgot to explain it's only once a year! We are deep in the trenches of potty training. They wear regular underpants now but still occasionally have accidents. Their reward for potty training was they get to go to school so we now attend a parent participation program one day a week. They get to do art projects, circle time and play with other kids so they think "school"is really fun. I can't believe they are growing up so fast. I'm slightly sad they are out of the baby phase but more excited about all the stuff they get to do as big kids now. Here are some Xmas pictures to enjoy.

Playing with the new toys and Christmas morning family photo


  1. Welcome back to Cali! I cannot believe how big the boys have gotten...still the same great smiles!

  2. Loved the Christmas photos. Glad you are back and are blogging again. I can't imagine how hard it was to move! Cathy

  3. Great photos! Would love to hear how you're doing - email sometime if you can. Blake and Ralph are growing up so fast!!

  4. I'm so glad you made it back safe & in time for Christmas. The boys are just darling, and I can't believe how big they are! I sure miss you.
