Sunday, April 4, 2010

Changes, Changes, Changes.....

OK, I've returned from my blogging vacation. PS-I have no excuses as to why I haven't made any posts. Just a lot of fun stuff going on! The biggest change is that the boys quit napping in December. We found if they napped they would be up way to late (10 or 11pm) and bedtime was starting to be a battle. They now sleep from about 8:30am-8:30pm. I do miss they midday break but it is much more manageable now that they go to bed early and relatively painlessly. We started potty training the first couple weeks in January.......and it was a success!!!! I still think I'm the one who is mostly potty trained. I watch for the potty dance and don't stray to far from restrooms when we are out. Blake has been dry at night for awhile and Ralph is getting there. We still have occasional accidents but to be done with diapers is quite nice. We have been living in Oceano with my mother in law for about 3 months now. She is very nice and more than accommodating but we should be finding our own place soon. Yippee!! My boys have managed to break several things in her house and misplace about a hundred more. On the plus side we live super close to the beach and a park and go there often. I was bummed to leave New York but being able to play outside year round is sure nice. I have lots of pictures and blogging to catch up on so hope I can stick with it!!

So I was bribing the boys with M&M's during the first few days of potty training. RJ found the mother load and helped himself when I left the room. Hmmm, wonder how many he shoved in his mouth before I busted him???

1 comment:

  1. well im glad to see your arms are not broken...i was beginning to wonder what happened to you...not like you look busy or your updates, your boys are the cutest little guys!!!
